Balinese Luxury Touch offers at-home massage services that will help you feel relaxed, boosted, or stress-free.
Do you have days when you feel like both your body and mind are just falling apart? Although rest is the obvious answer, a little more pampering like getting a massage can make a huge difference.
We recently tried the at-home massage service, Balinese Luxury Touch because lately we had been feeling extremely drained and totally out of our element. Set up by a Dubai-resident with her husband and brother, she started the business out of her own love for massages and Bali! After having visited Bali several times she grew to not only love the culture and the people but she also wanted to help them grow and prosper. After 9 months of planning and hard work, Balinese Luxury Touch was established in Dubai.
The therapists have all been brought in from Bali and I was lucky to be assigned to Anna for my Signature Balinese Massage. She rang my bell right on time and was quick to set up the room for me. Within just a few minutes, the guest room was transported into a sanctuary. The candles, flowers and chimes bells all made me forget I was right at home instead of Bali!
The massage is done with 100% pure essential oils without any parabenns, additives or chemicals. They use a sweet almond base oil to which they add either lemongrass, frangipani or ‘special secret’ blend-depending on the type of massage or the mood of the client.
Once the massage bed was set up the treatment began with a quick consultation where I let the therapist know I wanted this to be a massage with heavy pressure and special attention to my aching shoulders. Each area was massaged with a special almond oil with long gentle strokes to prepare the muscles followed by intense deep kneads.
Using generous amounts of the soothing oil and focusing on the pressure points across the body, other massage techniques included gently pulling and stretching. I kept drifting in and out of sleep throughout the 60-minutes.
The head and face massage were perhaps my favorite part-the therapist focused on all the pressure points and helped ease the tension around my jaw and across the forehead. I was offered a healing tea (also imported from Bali) once the massage ended.
The massage covers every inch of the body and helps to rebalance the body. This full body and head massage is restorative and nourishing both physically and spiritually.
Balinese Luxury Touch offers at-home massages daily from 10am-10pm.
+971 52 518 6652

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