Every Saturday there are free outdoor art classes in Art Square in Bay Square.
Every Saturday from 10am-1pm a group of up to 10 teachers gather artists together at ART SQUARE in Bay Square and teach new techniques, share tips and make new friends while having a lot fun.  These free classes welcome artists older than 10 years and take 20 artists per teacher so sign up as soon as possible!
The art initiative at Bay Square will run until April 2016 and all classes along with material will be offered free of cost. From water colors, canvas and spray painting to pastels, mix media and sketching, children and adults are free to choose from a wide variety of art classes offered by volunteers and artists every week.
Learn,enjoy and share your skills, in these fun and interactive outdoor classes.  The atmosphere is lively, as the 10 amazing teachers will show 200 students sketching, watercolors, oil, acrylic, street art and more. This is a unique community in Dubai, that everyone is welcome to join and be part of the journey.
Registration can be done at the venue or then check the Facebook link below for details.
Free Outdoor art classes in Dubai
Art Square in Bay Square
Every Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

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