l'atelier aquacycling in dubai
l'atelier aquacycling in dubai

Back from an indulgent summer we need to get back into shape.  Our latest find is a brand new workout for the first time in Dubai. Aqua Biking.  Known to great for legs and abs, aqua biking is a lot less strenuous than regular biking (especially for people with joint pain) but with just as good or maybe even better results .

Stationary bicycles are submerged in a pool shallow enough for the cyclist’s upper body to stay dry.

The founder of this Dubai centre, got the idea for the business while in Paris, where she tried aqua cycling—the classes are popular in Europe—and was instantly hooked.

Beginners can start with lower resistance and slowly build up your stamina.  While working out the legs the instructors also use various resistance bands for the arms, making it a complete body workout. The concept provides all the benefits of swimming without the disadvantages of getting the hair wet (or smudged make up!)

Aqua Biking can help burn up to 500 calories or more and is great for the circulation and fighting cellulite and that’s enough reason to make us go.

L’Atelier Aqua Fitness
Tel:+971 4 33 88 323
Open during the weekday from 7am until 9pm 
Friday & Saturday from 8am until 8pm
Until the 15th of October buy one and get one free (155 AED for a 45 min session) or buy a monthly package with unlimited classes for 1950 AED  

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