How to make your own homemade face masks following these simple tutorials and videos
As the numbers of those diagnosed with Covid-19 are increasing, wearing a face mask (and keeping distance from people) to protect yourself and the others has become compulsory in the UAE. Whether you have symptoms or not Dubai’s Health Department requires all individuals to wear a mask when going to a supermarket or pharmacy (the only two outdoors activities allowed).
With a current shortage of face masks globally which should primarily be given to health workers or other medical first responders and exempted staff in specific areas, making your own is an alternative and a way to help our community.
Masks made from old clothes, handkerchiefs or paper towels are probably less effective than proper masks such as N95 but still better than wearing none.
Here is a handy round-up of our favourite videos or tutorials on making a face mask, in a maximum of 10 minutes.
You don’t need to be crafty, and in order to keep things as simple as possible with minimal equipment needed (clothes, rubber string, coffee filters etc..), we have selected no sew mask pattern masks only.
1/ What you need to make a mask with filter (recommended by the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases)
2/ The super easy face mask tutorial, no cutting needed
3/ Face mask with old t-shirt using elastic from an old bra
4/ Face mask using pillow case and filter coffee
5/ 2 ways of making washable face masks
6/ Face mask with paper towel
7/ Elaborate face mask with filter tutorial from KoreaÂ
8/Face mask recycling an old bra

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