The life-changing magic of tidying up
From organizing consultant to lifestyle expert, Marie Kondo has changed the way we tidy and has become “the most organized woman in the world.”
Kondo’s method of organizing is known as the KonMari Method and consists of gathering together everything you own, one category at a time, and then keeping only those things that “spark joy” and choosing a place for everything from then on.
Her revolutionary method promises to take tidying to a whole new level and lead to dramatic results. Best of all, if you follow all of the instructions in her bestseller, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you’ll never have to organize again.
The KonMari Method has attracted worldwide attention and is being implemented by readers who are “kondoing,” or tidying up their homes. People are drawn to the philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective, and optimistic. Belongings are acknowledged for their service and thanked before being discarded if they no longer spark joy.
If you want to get a good understanding of the Konmari method and the concept of ‘Spark Joy’ then these two books by Marie Kondo are also a must have.
The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying: A Simple, Effective Way To Banish Clutter Forever by Marie Kondo
Spark Joy: An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying, by Marie Kondo
You can watch Kondo in action via the video below where she demonstrates the basic method of folding as detailed in her books. Trust us, the video is much more interesting than it sounds as long as you get past the first 30 seconds.

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