Everything you want to know about Maple Water.
Maple Water is the latest healthy drink that people are talking about. We recently found it on the shelves of our grocery store in Dubai and picked it up immediately.
Maple water has a water-like consistency and has a strong smell and sweet flavour.
Since we got our hands on this new health fad, we were also curious to investigate if it really is worth all the hype.
What exactly is maple water? Maple water is the maple sap in its pure form before it is boiled down to make the sweet, gooey maple syrup that most of us love to drizzle all over our pancakes.
Maple water has been used for centuries in other countries including Japan, Russia and South Korea. They consider it to be good for the bones.
Maple water is apparently low in calories, and said to contain half the sugar of coconut water (four grams per eight fluid ounces).
Maple water is also said to be filled with vitamins, nutrients and polyphenols, all of which help in strengthening the bones and promote thyroid.
As maple water is still a fairly new concept in the West, there is no research to really back all these claims. Although, maple syrup is known to have healthy antioxidant compounds, it doesn’t necessarily mean that maple water has the same amount of benefits.
It is good for daily hydration but it is also more expensive than drinking water. So, if you have extra dirhams to spare then it is worth a try.
Maple Water is available at Union Co-op stores across Dubai including Um Suqueim for 14.50 AED.
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