Traditional thin French Crêpes recipe
Nothing beats an after school party with plenty of kids, excited to see a table filled with jams, chocolate, berries, bananas, mango, stewed apple slices , lemon, iced sugar, honey, maple syrup, whipped cream and more.
Yes that would be an afternoon crêpes party. So, avoid spending hours searching for the best recipe, because we have one just for you and we promise its simple and traditional. Read all the details below.
Ingredients (15 crêpes)
250 g flour
40g sugar
1/2 l milk
3 eggs
40g butter
1 pinch of salt
In a salad bowl, mix the flour, the salt and the sugar.
In a large bowl, mix the milk , the eggs using the hand mixer and pour the flour little by little until smooth. Sift the batter and then add the melted butter.
Let the batter rest for an hour in a cool spot.
Cooking process
Put the large flat non-stick pan on a medium heat.
Brush the pan with a little bit of butter for the first 6 crêpes
With a ladle, pour the batter into the pan and turn the pan with your wrist until the batter covers the whole surface of the pan
Flip the crêpe after 1 or 2 minutes (indication : it’s nearly time to flip the crêpe when you see the edges of the batter lifting).
Once the crêpe is turned, cook it for another minute or 2.
Slide the crêpe on a warm plate and cover them with a kitchen towel that you can also sprinkle with some water to avoid them to get dry.
By the way, we have you covered if you need a dairy-free option. All you need to do is to just swap the half litre of regular milk with 0.40 litre coconut milk and 0.10 litre water.

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