Brain workshop Dubai


The Brain Workshop hires professionals to work one-on-one with individuals who struggle with learning.

Are you worried about your child’s learning ability at school?  If you fear that your child is unable to cope with school then The Brain Workshop can provide you with that extra help and support that you may be looking for.

The professional trainers use compassion, powerful cognitive skills and testing and training tools that can transform learning weaknesses into strengths. The centre works closely partner  parents to produce rapid, lasting, guaranteed results for students of all ages and abilities .

The program identifies and trains the specific cognitive skills weaknesses and then focuses on enhancing and improving those skills that have the biggest impact on learning, by directly strengthening the deficient cognitive skills that relate to the learning problem.

The individual testing allows training to be optimized for each student. Once the weakness is identified and specific training is applied and the student can experience measurable improvement almost immediately.

The Brain Workshop can work on a one-on-one basis and help build confidence and give the child the right guidance to achieve their set goals.  An established centre in Dubai, The Brain Workshop uses non-academic tools to exercise the brain and strengthen the core mental abilities.

The Brain Workshop

Office 310, Jumeirah Terrace, Jumeirah 1

Tel: +971 4 32 75 075


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