A contemporary neighborhood tearoom serving a range of sustainable blends that are tasty and beneficial to the health has recently opened at Citywalk in Jumeirah.
Tea always gets us excited because it is known for its serious health benefits, from aiding weight-loss, hydrating and even preventing diseases like heart attacks, it is quite simply, awesome for the health.
A brand new tea shop in Dubai, Argo Tea with a relaxed and chilled out vibe (and free wi-fi!) has popped up in the heart of the city. Serving a plethora of diverse flavors and traditional blends sourced from around the world, this café has some amazing exotic white, black, green and oolong teas to try.
Our personal favorite is the Iced Hibiscus, a signature flavor distinct to this region, it is refreshing and filled with anti-oxidants. If you prefer a hot cuppa then the peach and ginger is a fruity blend that soothes the throat. For those who fancy something more intense then try the spicy chai blend. Argo Tea also sells loose tea that can be bought per gram making it a great gift idea.
The comfortable seating is ideal to catch up with friends or find a quiet corner and make it your mobile office for the day. Even if you are a staunch coffee loyalist, if there is one place to give its humble cousin a try then it would be this cozy community joint that serves sustainable tea.
Argo Tea Citywalk Jumeirah Tel:+9714-3434122
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