Dedicated follower of fashion? If so, there will be little need to introduce Dubai’s fashion-forward boutique S*uce… The stylish store carries an ultra-stylish selection of both local and international designers that are otherwise impossible to find in the city. We could spend hours browsing amongst the rails and pulling out unique pieces – but the prices are admittedly high, so we were thrilled to discover an outlet of S*uce where the prices (including jewellery) are discounted from 40 to 80%!
We visited the S*uce Lite boutique and spotted a stunning C.C Skye leather bracelet for just 256 AED (80% discount). There were plenty of other pieces that caught our eye and we vowed to head back to do a little festive shopping later in the month. Although the selection is limited, we’re pretty sure that you won’t leave the store empty handed.
S*uce Lite Jumeirah Centre, Jumeirah beach Road, Jumeirah 1 Tel: +9714 3444391

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