Poke bowl is fresh and healthy and can be easily made at home.
Colorful, fresh and uber-healthy Poke Bowl is a Hawaiian appetiser dish that is now making rounds on social media. Everyone seems to be obsessing over it and for all the right reasons-it is clean eating at its best!
If you love sushi then this is a trend you should know about. Poke Bowl (pronounced POH-kay), it is essentially raw fish (traditionally they add tuna or octopus) cut into cubes, served with a delicious soy-based marinate and topped with a few crunchy bits like cucumber and seaweed. Oh, and if you want to be a little more adventurous then throw some pineapple on it too.
The perfect dish to impress friends or to enjoy a one-meal dish, it really is worth trying out.
Check out these images and videos below and get inspired to make your own version.
For now, we have selected this simple and easy Poke Bowl recipe.
Lastly, a short video about how to prepare a healthy poke bowl with only 5 ingredients made by the nutritionist Kelly LeVeque of Be Well By Kelly
Credit Image on top: Half Baked Harvest that also proposes an appetizing Hawaïan Poke Bowl recipe with a video available to watch here.

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