The Beauty Stamp by Nurse Jamie is a must-have in your skincare routine.

We constantly come across beauty tools that are nothing but just gimmicks.  There is however, the noninvasive Beauty Stamp by Nurse Jamie that works.  This beauty tool helps to rejuvenate your skin for a  firmer, smoother, and more youthful appearance.

The Beauty Stamp is a unique micro-exfoliation tool that utilizes a gentle ‘press & lift’ action to enhance delivery and promote increased effectiveness of your skincare products.   Although we are usually very scared of needles, these are tiny at just (0.2mm) and will only prick the uppermost layer of the skin.  You will feel no pain at all!

The Beauty Stamp uses the press and lift action to gently exfoliate and help the skincare products deliver deeper into the skin.  It also promotes collagen and elastin production for a more youthful appearance

Directions: Gently stamp the entire face 2-3 times, rotating the direction of the stamp each time. Do not stamp the inner circle of the eye or beyond the lip line area.

Note: Use your Beauty Stamp once or twice per week or when needed. We recommend replacing your Beauty Stamp tool every 45-60 days depending on how often you use it.

 The Beauty Stamp by Nurse Jamie is priced at approximately 190 AED.


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